Disney Trip July 2009 - Hollywood Studios

Here are pics from the second day at Disney! On this day we went to Hollywood Studios. The first place we headed was the Aerosmith Rockin' Rollercoaster! Just Patrick and myself rode that one of course. Loved it! Then we headed over to the Tower of Terror. Everyone got on this ride. Brendan was a little scared, but did pretty well on it. We then proceeded to work our way around the park and went to the Playhouse Disney Live Show. Brendan was so excited! He loved seeing Mickey, Little Einsteins, Handy Manny, and Pooh and Friends! Cute show! We then went to get our picture taken with the UP characters. I love Mr. Fredrickson! We then hit the newest ride in this park...Toy Story Mania! Love this ride!!! We stood in line for almost an hour. What a popular ride! All the fast passes were taken by 10:00am and the time for the last fast pass was to come back at around 7:00pm! We worked our way around till we got to the Star Tours ride. After riding this ride Garrett got to use his Disney Dollars that Brent and Becky gave him for his birthday. He used it to make his own light saber! We also wanted to see the Indiana Jones show, but it was too late that day for us to last so we ended up coming back to watch the show later in the week. We had a wonderful day!

Disney Trip July 2009 - Animal Kingdom

Well it has been quite a while since I have posted anything. So here goes my first of several blog catch-up entries. The following are some of the pics of our summer vacation back in July. This was the first day of a
great trip! On our first day at Disney we went to Animal Kingdom. As we entered the park that morning we got to see the "Tree of Life" in all its glory without really anyone else around because the park hadn't really opened up just yet. We had reservations at the Tusker House to eat breakfast with the characters. It was a buffet style meal with an African theme. The boys absolutely loved it! Garrett jumped in the conga line at one point and danced around with the characters. Afterwards we jumped on the Kilamanjaro Safari and got great pics of the giraffes and a crazy ostrich that wouldn't move out of the way of the vehicle for a while. We got a great laugh out of it! Patrick and I enjoyed the great ride Mt. Everest along with Garrett. And the rapids were a blast too! It rained a bit that day, but still when you're at Disney you can have fun in the rain. Just put on those ponchos and go!