Christmas and Alabama Photos '08

Mom came down to help me with the boys to get their pictures taken. Needless to say I NEEDED her help. The wait was of course a long one-from about 2:40-3:45-finally got them in, photos taken until about 5:20, and then prints were received at 6:00! At least they had a Lego table where the boys enjoyed playing. While we waited for the prints we walked around at Midtown Village and shopped a little. In the meantime mom was wanting to get back to Jasper to hear the Lamb Family in concert. They are AWESOME! Well I was trying to call Patrick to come and meet us, but accidentally somehow linked the wrong person...trucker answered and I didn't realize until about 2 to 3 minutes into the conversation...that it was NOT Patrick and I had rambled on talking that the guy hadn't had a chance to say that it was the wrong number. Pretty funny though, I told the person to come pick me up...he said okay SWEETIE! What a good laugh I got out of that one! Anyway these are just a few sweet pics from the photo shoot at Portrait Innovations.

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