I made it through the first week of school! I have 14 students, which is a dream for third grade. So far the students seem to be pretty well behaved. I know it probably want stay that way, but for now that is AWESOME! We went to Jasper this weekend to visit my parents, Brent and Becky, and the girls. Ally and Claire are so big. They are too cute! Brendan asked several times, "Where Nana car go?" We told him it was broken and smashed. She wrecked her car pretty badly. Well, anyway he is now walking around saying, "Nana - car - smashed - it -broken!" That's baby language for you. Also we watched the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics. I'm personally looking forward to seeing the swimming and the diving competitions. Oh yeah, "Thanks to Becky for the pictures!!!" And we all wished Jill, Dave, Grayson, and Griffin had been there too!!!