Weekly Spelling Tests

With Garrett being in 1st grade now comes the challenge of weekly spelling tests. Last week he struggled with his words as it was new to him. This week though we just drilled and drilled it. Apparently it stuck with him. I am pleased to announce that he made a 100!!!!! He had words like "because". I am SO PROUD of him! He worked so hard this week and he was absolutely thrilled. Patrick asked how he did it. Garrett replied, "I just did some thinking!" Love it! He also got to spend a "Buckaroo Buck" for being sooo good this week. His prize he chose was a compass. He told me all the way home which direction we were headed. :) Oh yeah, the Alabama game is not until 6:00 or 7:00pm!

1 comment:

Jill said...

YEA FOR GARRETT!!!! I'm so proud of him!